New Blog, Old Stuff


I created a new blog on my own domain, back on my "own" servers but I decided to port some [ancient] content over.

In late 2011 and 2012, as I was learning iOS development and Objective-C, I wrote a few blog posts and tutorials explaining some of the more nuanced scenarios I ran into. Most of the sample code was written in Objective-C against iOS 5 SDK. Typically I found that if I had to dig too hard to find information, it might be beneficial to do a short write-up or jot down a code snippet. A little later, I wrote a few blog pieces on Medium – more opinionated than functional that I've moved over as well.

Most of these posts are now old and irrelevant, some of them are tutorials for features that don't even exist any more. I've ported them over, largely for my own remembrance, as "memorial" stones to look back on. They represent the place I was at early in my career as a software engineer.

In the future, I'll write more – maybe reflections on my time as an engineering manager where processes and people reign but also maybe a few more tutorials as I continue to learn the very thing that got me into this in the first place.